Artemisia annua anamed for internal use

Caution: For use with pregnant women, please see the precautions mentioned above.

With the following complaints, you have the choice whether you take artemisia in the higher daily dosage of 5g or the lower dosage of 1.25g.
Higher dose: Pour 1 litre of boiling water over 5g of dried leaves, or 25g of fresh leaves and drink in the course of the day. 5g dried and sieved leaves are equivalent to 4 teaspoonfuls.
Lower dose: Pour 200ml (1 big cup) of boiling water over 1.25 g of dried leaves, or 6,25 g of fresh leaves and drink in the course of the day. 1.25 g dried and sieved leaves are equivalent to 1 rounded teaspoonful.


Artemisinin reduces the number of bilharzias pathogens. Try the higher dose, but continue giving the tea for 2 to 3 weeks. Possibly combine this treatment with a conventional treatment. If possible please check the result of this treatment in a laboratory and send us your results.  Recent investigations in which infected animals were treated with artemether, conducted by researchers from the Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Shanghai, the Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel and the WHO, show positive results.

Bronchitis and sore throat

Pour boiling water onto some fresh or dried artemisia leaves, and put the container on a low heat. Inhale the vapour. For sore throats, gargle with artemisia tea.
Cancer, tumours: Artemisinin is already patent-registered  as medicine for cancer and is used by doctors in the treatment of tumours. Patients may, whenever possible with the support of their doctor, take artemisia tea each day and judge to what extent it influences the course of the illness.

Candida albicans in the mouth

Chew some artemisia leaves throughout the day. Children may prefer a mixture of one teaspoonful of honey with one of dried, powdered A-3 leaves.

Candida albicans in the bowels

Drink A-3 tea, made as for malaria, for 12 days.

Chikungunya and Dengue Fever

Drink artemisia tea according to the higher dose for two weeks. According to feedback we have received, the duration of fever and pain is reduced by this.

Fever, common cold

When an infection first occurs, it is better to take 3 litres of lemon grass tea each day, or in Europe 3 litres of peppermint, sage or lime flower tea. Only if the temperature persists, or if either flu or a cough persists, then take 1 litre of artemisia tea (higher dose) and 2 litres of lemon grass or peppermint tea each day for 7 to 12 days.


This is the oldest recorded use of artemisia tea in traditional Chinese medicine. Drink one litre of artemisia tea each day. In the Gamo Gofa region of Ethiopia many people suffer chronic haemorrhoids, and have had great success with this treatment (in the higher dose – see above). For mild haemorrhoids, drink an occasional cup of artemisia tea (lower dosage). Externally also use artemisia ointment (see below).

Lupus erythematosus

(a disease that causes tissues to become inflamed, red and swollen): High dosis for 4 weeks, if there is no improvement, stop the treatment with Artemisia; otherwise continue with the low dosis.

Stomach and Intestinal Problems

e.g. ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and chronic dysentery, also various rheumatic diseases, arthritis, soft-tissue rheumatism, borreliosis, babesia: Take artemisia tea in the higher dose for 7 days, and then in the lower dose until the symptoms disappear. Artemisia disinfects the system and modulates the immune system (brings it back into balance).

Other diseases

We have received isolated reports of astonishingly good results with a range of other diseases and complaints, including gout, diabetes, high blood pressure, warts, osteoporosis, epilepsy, glandular fever, migraine, psoriasis and leishmaniosis. The gate is wide open for further research! The patients take tea using 5g of artemisia each day for a week. If there is no improvement, the treatment is stopped. Otherwise treatment is continued with 5g in the acute phase and then 1.25 g in the chronic phase.

Note: this text is no substitute for medical advice. Dr. Hans-Martin Hirt is professional pharmacist, he does not run a pharmacy. He works full-time in the development partnership. He isn’t oncologist. The organization “anamed” can only offer A-3 tea and Moringa powder as raw materials, neither is accredited as medicines. “anamed” promotes home-growing these plants, especially where no doctors work anymore! For detailed literature, see

FAQ on other diceases

... and some answers

Tea leaves or tea powder?

If you order A-3 tea normal at us we send you “open leaves” (“broken”) as you similar know it from peppermint tea. The advantage: you can convince yourself from the high quality: little (ineffective) stipes, no (allergenic) flowers, no discoloured leaves. You make tea of it.
Should you prefer A-3 tea powder, so you can either shred it a bit by hand (with a teaspoon in a cup) or pound it with a mortar or more pulverulent with a common electric (fly cutter) coffee grinder. It is cheaper for you if you do it yourself. If not we do it for you and charge you 1 Euro per 50 g additionally.
This A-3 powder you take directly instead of a tea (mixed with yogurt, peanut butter or banana). Please give always the order number. Prices:


item order number Euro
A-3 Feuilles de thé broyées (broken), 50g A-3-B50 ****
A-3 Feuilles de thé broyées (broken), 500g A-3-B500 ****
A-3 Feuilles de thé broyées (broken), 1000g A-3-B1000 ****
A-3 Feuilles de thé en poudre (ground), 50 g A-3-G50 ****
A-3 Feuilles de thé en poudre (ground), 500 g A-3-G500 ****
A-3 Feuilles de thé en poudre (ground), 1000 g A-3-G1000 ****
Moringa oleifera feuilles en poudre, 100g MOR-G100 ****
Euphorbia hirta herb, 30g EUP-30 ****

Last update on 09.12.2014 by Hans-Martin Hirt.

What role does Moringa play?

Moringa oleifera powdered leaves are used as a tumour substance in many countries. Its main usage is as a general immune systems stimulus. We often use it in combination with Artemisia for long-term treatments (AIDS, cancer, borreliosis etc.) Aids patients in Africa have emphasised to us that Artemisia therapy must always be supplemented by Moringa. Scientific literature states that Moringa slows the enzymatic decomposition of medicines [1] This could then mean that a combination of Moringa with Artemisia leads to Artemisia compounds staying in the bloodstream for longer:
501/ powdered leaves 100g (price list)

[1]: Moringa: „Significant CYP3A4 inhibitory effects were found, with IC50 values of 0.5 and 2.5 mg/ml for leaf-methanol and leaf-water extracts, respectively “J Infect Dev Ctries. 2008 Oct 1;2(5):379-83.:Moringa oleifera leaf extracts inhibit 6beta-hydroxylation of testosterone by CYP3A4.      Monera TG, Wolfe AR, Maponga CC, Benet LZ, Guglielmo J.:/

Last update on 09.12.2014 by Hans-Martin Hirt.

What is the approximately proportion of volume and weight?

Artemisia tea leaves ("broken"):

1 level teaspoonful 0.4 g
1 slightly heaped teaspoon 1.25 g
1 very heaped teaspoon 1.5 g

Artemisia tealeaves as powder:

1 level teaspoonful 0.6 g
1 slightly heaped teaspoon 2.0 g
1 very heaped teaspoon 3.0 g

Moringa powder:

1 level teaspoonful 1.0 g
1 slightly heaped teaspoon 3.0 g
1 very heaped teaspoon 5.0 g

Last update on 09.12.2014 by Hans-Martin Hirt.

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