Ebola and Natural Medicine
anamed international www.anamed.org
Updated 2018, August 21st
The disciples went on their way and travelled from village to village.
Everywhere they preached the message of the Kingdom of God and healed the sick. Luke 9.6
Ebola is a viral disease. It is transmitted through body fluids: blood, sweat, urine, sperm.
The first symptoms are like those of malaria: fever, muscle pain, nausea. Then after 5 to 7 days, internal bleeding occurs which indicates that the disease is indeed ebola.
Whereas AIDS viruses only remain infectious outside the body for 30 minutes, Ebola viruses remain infectious for several days! More serious still is the fact that scientific studies show that the ebola virus may still be found in men’s semen even after two years.
Prevention and Treatment:
- Develop a strong immune system by eating a healthy diet, having plenty exercise and fresh air and, as far as possible, avoiding stress.
The body itself fights viral infections with soluble antibodies (humoral immunity) and lymphocytes (cellular immunity)
- Antiviral drugs reduce virus replication.
Hindrances to good care:
- If, because of the fear of Ebola, endangered areas are closed off, then, sometimes, the local population no longer has access to food and clean water: Hunger and bad water lead to people having weak immune systems and therefore an increased risk of infection.
- If dispensaries only treat ebola patients, then the local population has no longer access to treatment for malaria, Aids etc. But the immune system is also weakened by frequent malaria attacks. Malaria and AIDS together weaken the immune system even more to a very dangerous level.
- The lack of reliable availability of the necessary drugs for malaria and AIDS make the situation worse.
- The brain-drain: Trained African doctors leave Africa because of the low salaries. Consequently, those who remain are faced with an enormous workload. Doctors who look after Ebola patients must work long, hard hours. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 225 doctors, nurses and carers were infected in 2014 in West Africa. 130 of them died.
How the situation could be improved:
- Swords to ploughshares: If even just a fraction of the money spent on arms were to be spent on health-care in Africa, most problems would be solved at a stroke.
- If the WHO were to recognize the power and potential of phytotherapy (i.e. self-help using locally available medicinal plants) e.g. in the control of AIDS and malaria, countries and regions could become self-reliant in producing a ready supply of their own effective medicines.
- By training trained, volunteer herbalists as "Primary Health Care Workers" in the prevention of malaria, AIDS, ebola, etc.
- By establishing "ebola villages" like the leprosy villages, to alleviate the suffering of patients, at least in rural areas, relieving the strain on the (expensive) running of clinics. Former ebola patients could be trained as volunteer health care workers with ebola patients.
- Give practical individual help:
A) Twice daily give all vulnerable people 5 g of moringa leaf powder. This would be a major health boost and vastly strengthen their immune system. To ensure that enough moringa is available, the government must create moringa fields covering several square kilometres. (Moringa oleifera gives its first harvest one year after sowing)
B) Each day give all vulnerable people 5g, or in life-threatening cases, up to 20g, of Artemisia annua (A-3) powder. Artemisia annua is anti-viral and increases immunity. Here again, square kilometre-sized fields and a lot of labour are required.
6. By global Investment in long-term research on these and other herbal antivirals.
7. By an absolute prohibition on killing or eating animals in affected areas that transmit ebola. The bush-meat trade must be outlawed and policed. Eating bats must also be outlawed.
On official request, anamed is willing to give the Minister of Health or the Head of the National Ecumenical Church Council in each of the affected countries, free of charge:
- 1 Starter-Kit for the large-scale cultivation of Artemisia annua anamed with 5,000 seeds, and a further 15,000 seeds, with a total value of 200 Euro.
- 5 kilos of Artemisia tea worth 1000 Euro.
- Three places on one of the next international anamed seminars (value 750 Euro) to train in the cultivation and use of antiviral plants.
These are offered on condition firstly, that they are used immediately for the intended purpose, and secondly that anamed international is given regular reports with photographs of what is being done with these materials. This offer is valid until end of the year 2018.
Enquiries: (By email only) to Dr H-M Hirt: anamedhmh@yahoo.de.
- Moringa oleifera and Artemisia annua have been successfully used for many years in many countries to treat infections (artemisia) and malnutrition (moringa). This is widely documented in the literature. No country therefore needs to convene lengthy ethics committees to seek approval.
- In Artemisia annua, the ingredients artemisinin, sitosterol and stigmasterol, are classified as antiviral, and astralgin, coumarin and eupatorin are classified as immune stimulating substances. Artemisinin has been patented as a virus-inhibiting substance.
- The immune enhancing and antiviral properties (e.g. against herpes viruses) in Moringa oleifera are well proven but the active components have not yet been identified.
- There are many other virus-inhibiting plants, for example Aloe vera, chamomile, grapefruit seeds, but no other plant can produce such high yields of virus-inhibiting substances in the tropics as fast as Artemisia annua anamed.
Every patient complaining of malaria symptoms like fever, headaches and nausea should be immediately supplied with 35 g of Artemisia powder (7days x 5g per day). If ebola is suspected, every person should be given bags of Artemisia powder (Dosage 10g /day) and moringa powder (Dosage 5g/day, or 10g/day in case of malnutrition. The patient takes 5g of Artemisia powder in the morning, 5g of Moringa powder at lunch time, and again 5g of Artemisia powder the evening. All this may be taken directly by mixing it with some food. Alternatively, the patient takes it as a “soup” by pouring 500ml of boiling water over the artemisia or moringa powder and then drinking it once it has completely cooled.
Disclaimer: The author Dr. Hans-Martin Hirt is a pharmacist and not a medical doctor. During his studies, Hirt worked in virus research for 2½ years. Hirt has travelled to Africa 60 times and worked in Congo for 6 years, but is not an Africa expert, only the Africans themselves are! The association anamed international e.V. promotes the cultivation of Artemisia annua and Moringa oleifera for self-sufficiency and through its partners in Africa and India has gained vast experience in their therapeutic use.
How can I support anamed worldwide?
Here in Winnenden, Germany, trains are often cancelled, because suicidal people jump in front of them. Isn’t that terrible? There are so many urgent things to be done in the world ... anyone can work with us till they’ve breathed their last... but how? I was asked to put together some ideas.
You may:
- pray for the success of our work and the safety of our volunteers in Germany, Africa and Asia;
- For German speakers: attend our annual four-day Korntal seminar, which presents our work in detail. Afterwards,
a) report back to your community or church and raise funds for our vital work, and / or
b) produce chamomile creams, soaps, lipsticks, etc. Work in holiday programs with children, elderly people, asylum seekers or people on benefit. In this way you pursue the anamed approach of helping people to help themselves;
- Each year cultivate Artemisia annua. Invite the members of the YMCA or the church choir to help you to harvest, dry and package the leaves. The harvest will then be made available to African clinics free of charge. (Last year a mission station in Mozambique received 100 kilo A-3 for free);
- attend an anamed seminar in Africa or Asia, and then subsequently volunteer in a project there for a long time at your own risk, possibly visit them every year for one month. Find details on our web-site: www.anamed.org;
- donate school fees: enable disadvantaged African children to attend school: 70 € / year for kindergarten, 150 € / year primary school, 300 € / year secondary School, 500 € / year for training as a nurse / carer;
- make a donation:
> 250 € for a local person to participate in an anamed seminar including many materials to learn how to prepare herbal medicines.
> 5000 € for a whole anamed national seminar,
> 12,000 € for an international seminar;
> 10,000 € to basically equip an anamed Rural Clinic;
include anamed in your will;
translate important anamed texts into other languages;
do a doctoral thesis on an anamed topic;
pick up fallen fruit in autumn and sell at local markets for anamed etc. !!!
Whatever you choose to do, we thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Hans-Martin Hirt