Donation Account of anamed international e.V.

If anamed products and books have helped you ... or perhaps even have saved your life.
We are very pleased with you!!! "We" these are our collaborators around the world who just want to save as many lives in areas where there is neither a doctor nor a pharmacist. With your support, the network anamed may be able to continue to finance:

  • Printing of anamed literature in local languages in developing countries
  • Creating fields with medicinal plants in Africa and Asia for the benefit of local communitie
  • asssumption of costs for patients in our anamed clinics.

anamed international e.V.
Bank: Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE12 6025 0010 0007 2190 69

Donation receipts are sent for donations over 50 Euro. Please, give you exact address. This account is for donations only. Don't use it for payments, please!